"The Crew"

A little bit about me......

I grew up on a dairy farm in a little town called Bonesteel, South Dakota. Population 298. To me it was a completely normal life of milking cows, playing every sport I could get my hands on, and watching Dumb and Dumber every single weekend, because that was the only thing to do. (I literally can quote that movie word for word.) I loved it and when it came time to spread my wings and see the world my mom had to force me to leave....I was content there but she knew there was more for me...Thanks Momma!

About my Momma, she is my rock and best friend.  When I look back on some of the craziness of growing up and the challenges our family faced I am so thankful for my mom.  Her presence was comforting and peaceful. Kind is a great word to describe her...but yet she was so stinking fun to be around.  I always knew when I walked in from a day at school she would be there sitting at the table with cookies or muffins and ready to talk.  She is the reason I love food so much...not in an unhealthy way but for its ability to bring people together and create an environment of peace and comfort. So this blog is dedicated to my momma!

What can you expect from this blog......­­­­­­
  •   Recipes (paleo and nourishing traditions combo)
  •    Simple Crafts
  •     Budgeting
  •  Family life
  •   Anything random that pops in my brain...scary!

My goal is to keep it all simple…I am no Martha Stewart and complicated makes my brain hurt, so enjoy and hopefully you can be educated and entertained while you are here.


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