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ORDER IN THE HOME Let me set the scene...its negative 2 outside and I just finished coaching class at crossfit. I am hungry, the kids are hungry so I set out on the exhausting journey of finding all the amazing stuff we had to bring to crossfit for our one hour outing, I get everything in a pile, then resume chasing the baby (aka. 2 year old) around the gym as I wrestle his crazy puffy winter coat on him.....knowing that this is only the beginning of the war....the real battle is trying to squeeze that puffy coat into the tiny car seat, all the while everyone is crying because they are cold and hungry.   But I did's done, the kids are strapped in and the heat is on.. it was not pretty, but that's okay we are making progress.  The five minute journey felt like an eternity with uncontrollable crying and frustration due to starvation and cold fingers. We pull into the garage, and I unstrap those beautiful babies as fast as possible...releasing the beasts if you w

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