Let me set the scene...its negative 2 outside and I just finished coaching class at crossfit. I am hungry, the kids are hungry so I set out on the exhausting journey of finding all the amazing stuff we had to bring to crossfit for our one hour outing, I get everything in a pile, then resume chasing the baby (aka. 2 year old) around the gym as I wrestle his crazy puffy winter coat on him.....knowing that this is only the beginning of the war....the real battle is trying to squeeze that puffy coat into the tiny car seat, all the while everyone is crying because they are cold and hungry.
But I did it..it's done, the kids are strapped in and the heat is on.. it was not pretty, but that's okay we are making progress. The five minute journey felt like an eternity with uncontrollable crying and frustration due to starvation and cold fingers. We pull into the garage, and I unstrap those beautiful babies as fast as possible...releasing the beasts if you will! Next battle...what do we eat...I slowly walk up the garage steps knowing full well how I had left the house that morning, and knowing full well I didn't make it to the grocery store like I had hoped. This could be bad....I linger on those stairs for a bit, taking in the last few moments of sanity as I could hear the distant cries from within.
I finally get myself to turn the doorknob and slowly peak in just to make sure the kitchen was as horrid as I remembered. It was. But that would have to wait...first things first, feed the beasts. Gain control of the situation. I just start chucking things their way, whatever I could find, but it wasn't enough. I finally could sense myself start to want to loose it, like just loose it on everyone. This calls for a time-out! I feel like every since I have had kids I have to take myself to the side and have little conversations with myself.. an adult time out if you will. "What's wrong little Jenny?" Are you frustrated...what's frustrating you the most?" And then in a totally normal way I answer myself, "The house is crazy, the kids are crazy and we are all hungry." "Well," my inner voice says, "let s create some order in this situation, I think that will really help you." I reply, "But where do I start?!" "No brainer, the kitchen," the voice says. "Clean the kitchen, feed those babies and regain order...get yourself together woman!"
Along with the help of Sesame Street and a few random snacks, I cleaned that kitchen and the whole environment changed. I was happier, the kids were happier, and magically I could think more clearly. I made some healthy cookies and I sat down with Jett (as he was also overwhelmed with his school work) and we wrote out our game plan for the rest of the day.
Order. What a beautiful thing it is. I by nature am more of free spirit, but even free spirits can't be free in chaos. I love how we serve a God of order. If you think about it not much can be done with out it. When He created the heavens and the earth it was done in a beautiful, orderly way.
My free spirit self used to believe that things would happen organically and things just worked out. But more than ever, especially after having kids and now owning a business alongside my hubby, I realize that is a bunch of bologna! If things are going to get done, I have to work my can off and be faithful in putting in the hard work. Yes, God's hand moves and miracles happen, but I have to be a faithful servant who is committed to doing the right thing and putting in the work even when it doesn't feel good. I think that sums of parenting to a "T". Putting in the work even when it doesn't feel good, so one day those babies will rise up and call me blessed.
But it all starts with a plan, a vision, and the order of steps it is going to take to accomplish that plan. Most days for me, the plan is schooling and feeding my babies. The days I start out intentionally, and give my day some order, things are so much more beautiful. When my home is in order, thing just run a little smoother. When my thoughts are in order and line up with the Lord, I am more beautiful to be around.
So, if your feeling a little chaotic, ask the Lord how to create some order in your life. Start with the small things. I love how Luke 16:10 puts it "If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities." Whether that's setting an alarm clock, getting in God's word, cranking up the tunes and cleaning the house, making a budget or creating a menu plan for your family, He will show you and help you. He is a god of order and we are created in His image, so we need to be people of order. Corinthians 14:33 says "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace--as in all the congregations of the Lord's people."
And just in case you find yourself in a pickle with starving kids, this is one of my favorite recipes that will help create peace in the home! (P.S. I don't add the coffee when I make them for the kids, but if your feeling crazy...go for it!)
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