Meal Planning Part 1

Most Sunday nights after I have conquered the feat of putting the babes down you will find me on the couch with my weekly planner, cookbooks and some hot tea and chocolate close by.  I have learned that my mind does not function in chaos, so I have had to discipline myself to plan ahead and take control of taking care of my family.  This did not come natural for me of coarse…but I love how Paul writes, “Therefore, I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air.  No I beat my body and make it a slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.  1 Corinithians 9:26-27”
Once we sign the dotted line confirming we are an adult we are saying that 90 percent of the things I am required to do today probably wouldn't be my first choice, but I can choose to do them well and with joy.  That is why I work hard to make everything fun…cause life is short and there is a lot of stress out there.  So if meal planning feels like a beast and you don’t know where to start, start by making it enjoyable.  Find a place in the house to retreat…get a special drink ready and some good dark chocolate close by.  Turn on your favorite CD and create an environment that makes the chore fun and relaxing. 

And don’t freak out if you have an off week! Life does not fit in a box… adapt and just get back on track. Once you get in the groove it will be like second hand nature and you will find that your week is less stressful because you spent an hour preparing for it. 



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